What's in a Name? Everything When the Name is Butt - Fri Oct 24, 9:54 AM ET - Reuters

LONDON (Reuters) - A British couple have been forced to move house because of the shame caused by the name of their street -- Butt Hole Road.

Paul and Lisa Allott sold their $250,000 bungalow in Conisbrough, northern England after living there for just 15 months, fed up with the constant leg-pulling.

Taxis and pizza delivery men would fail to turn up, thinking their order was just a prank, and they grew tired with groups of youths posing for photos by the nearby street sign with their buttocks bared.

"I like a laugh, but it was beyond a joke," Allott told the Sun newspaper.

Attempts by Reuters to contact the new residents were unsuccessful -- they have taken a confidential telephone number.

--I would love a street name like that. Easy for the kids to remember!
The Six Million Dollar Man

The fondly-remembered 70s TV series The Six Million Dollar Man is in line to be produced as a big-screen vehicle for Jim Carrey. Dimension Films -who own the rights to the sci-fi novel Cyborg that went on to inspire the Lee Major-starring TV show - have recruited Todd Phillips, director of Old School, to script and helm an update for the comic, who approached the company with the idea himself. "The teaming of Jim and Todd is perfect creative combination to launch the franchise," said Dimension's co-chairman Bob Weinstein. "Todd is a director with proven instincts, and Jim is a superstar."

-- will it be Good, Bad or Ugly?
Christensen talks up Star Wars showdown - The Gaurdian Staff and agencies Thursday October 16, 2003

Obi-Wan Kenobi's showdown with the future Darth Vader is being hyped as the most extensive ever caught on film.

The final Star Wars showdown between Obi-Wan Kenobi and the future Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker, will be the most extensive ever caught on film, according to actor Hayden Christensen. Filming of the third prequel in the current run of films in George Lucas's space opera has now been completed, and Christensen says he expects the much-anticipated scene to more than live up to expectations.

In an interview with Latino Review, the Canadian star said: "I will say, on the record, the final fight sequence in this film will, in my opinion and not having seen any of it cut together, surpass any fight sequence that has been put on film so far."

With Lucas's confidentiality agreement presumably in mind, Christensen added: "It's the longest, I can't give you specifics, but it is quite the bad-assed fight scene. [Fight co-ordinator] Nick Gilliard has done an amazing job instilling an arc of story in the fight.

--Dammit. the wait... hurts.
Serial Killer Fights to Wear Makeup - Wed Oct 15, 9:43 AM

MELBOURNE, Australia - One of Australia's most notorious convicted killers is launching a legal battle for the right to wear makeup while he serves his life sentence, enraging the family of one of his victims.

Paul Denyer, 31, was jailed for a minimum 30-year term for murdering three young women in the southern city of Melbourne over seven weeks in 1993.

He is launching an appeal with the Victoria state Civil and Administrative Tribunal against a refusal by Barwon Prison authorities to let him buy and wear makeup.

--If you can't kill em, join em!!