Summer movies have started early this year!

We saw Shrek 2 already! The next big summer movie is The Day After Tomorrow!

I will let you know when we are going!

Andy Kaufman Returns After 20 Years - Wed May 19, 9:00 AM ET

New York City, NY (PRWEB) May 19, 2004 -- Twenty years ago, on May 16, 1984, most of the world believed that we had lost a comedic legend forever. This has turned out to be what will inevitably be known as the greatest comic prank ever conceived. Andy Kaufman, by all accounts, is alive and well at age 55 and is now living in New York City on the upper west side. To his loyal supporters and fans, Andy says "sorry about faking my death," in a recent interview with ABC News at his apartment. In order to reach legendary comic status and seal his place in the history of performance art, he said it was "necessary to go away for twenty years."

Andy Kaufman's official site has been launched at:

--If this is true... REM is gonna be pissed...

Shrek 2 - (****) Green Light!

Princess Fiona's parents invite her and Shrek to dinner to celebrate her marriage. If only they knew the newlyweds were both ogres.

They have the technology down pat, we don't even really need to talk about that. It so good they have to throttle back so it doesn't seem too real. The Kingdom of Far Far Away will require many viewings to squeeze all the laughs out of it. Puns and inside movie references are everywhere. Beyond that they have made this KIDS movie incredibly rich (yes I remind you this is a kids movie). There are so many references that the kids won't get but the adults will love. It's like they know we are going to have to watch the damn thing a hundred times so they put so many details in there we won't get bored the 32nd time through.

The cast does a great job again. The addition of Antonio Bandaras as Puss in Boots was my favorite part of the new movie.

The plot is simple and a natural extension of the first film. It didn't need to be any more than it was. It was an animated KIDS movie! Don't worry! It has all the required fart jokes.

The summer season starts earlier and earlier. I can't say I will complain!


Van Helsing - (**1/2) Green Light

During the late 19th century, famed monster hunter Dr. Gabriel Van Helsing (Jackman) heads to Eastern Europe to battle with Count Dracula.

You have to understand going into this Movie that it is loud, non-stop action, tons of special effects and a very light on plot.

I love movies like this usually. But even I was getting tired of watching pairs of CGI characters battle. It's kind of like watching someone else play a really good playstation game. It's cool in the beginning but after a while you wish you were playing.

Oh... and it needed a really hot sex scene, dammit! Oh the humanity! Kate Beckinsale in a Leather corset! Hugh Jackman in long hair and dirty! DAMMIT!!

Green Light (barely)

Gandhi 'Humbly Declines' India Leadership By BETH DUFF-BROWN, Associated Press Writer

NEW DELHI - Stunning her supporters, Sonia Gandhi announced Tuesday she would "humbly decline" to be the next prime minister of India, sidestepping Hindu nationalist outrage over the prospect of a foreign-born woman leading the nation.

--I would "humbly decline" the cross-hairs on my neck too...