Bookies Offer 3-1 Odds on Quick End to J-Lo Marriage

LONDON (Reuters) - British bookmakers offered odds of 3-1 Monday that singer/actress Jennifer Lopez and her new husband Marc Anthony would divorce by the end of the year.

Lopez, 33, has already been through two marriages that lasted little more than a year. She broke off an A-list celebrity engagement to actor Ben Affleck in January after the couple called off their wedding last September.

--Men. We need to protect ourselves before J-LO marries us all...
The Chronicles of Riddick - (***) Green Light

Riddick, now a hunted man, finds himself in the middle of two opposing forces in a major crusade. Feore plays Lord Marshal, a warrior priest who is the leader of a sect that is waging the 10th and perhaps final crusade 500 years in the future. Dench plays Aereon, an ambassador from the Elemental race. She is an ethereal being who helps Riddick unearth his origins.

This is totally the middle movie of a trilogy. It has a lot of style. Lots of action. Lots of great special effects. But don't go in expecting a lot of plot. I have to say my expectations were too high for this movie. I loved pitch black.

Green Light

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - (****) GREEN LIGHT

In the third installment of the Harry Potter series, Harry and his friends begin to find themselves. As we begin the movie, Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) is sick of taking crap from the Dursleys. He blows up his aunt Marge, packs his stuff and walks out! Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) also kicks some ass in this movie.

This was my favorite of all the HP movies so far. The feel of Hogwarts was great! The acting has gotten way better. David Thewlis and Gary Oldman were great as Professor Lupin and Sirius Black. The special effects were excellent as expected. The new Dumbledore was not distracting.

Great stuff. Gotta see it again. I will be buying it day one when its available on DVD.


The Day After Tomorrow - (***) Green Light

This movie takes a big-budget, special-effects-filled look at what the world would look like if the greenhouse effect and global warming continued at such levels that they resulted in worldwide catastrophe and disaster, including multiple hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes (I don't quite get the science of that one), tidal waves, floods and the beginning of the next Ice Age.

At the center of the story is a paleoclimatologist (a scientist who studies the ways weather patterns changed in the past), Professor Adrian Hall (Dennis Quaid), who tries to save the world from the effects of global warming while also trying to get to his son, Sam (Jake Gyllenhaal), who was in New York City as part of a scholastic competition, when the city was overwhelmed by the chilling beginnings of the new Ice Age.

I really enjoyed this movie, but only because my expectations were set correctly. It was an action packed special effects summer movie. Everything you needed to know about the plot was in the preview. The scenes of the various disasters were great. Just don't ask yourself too many questions like, "Why not burn furniture in stead of books?" or "If he knows the storm will only last a week, why not just wait and fly in with the choppers?" or the biggie, "Global warming will cause the new Ice age?"...

It was fun, forget the questions.

The summer season starts earlier and earlier. I can't say I will complain!


Former President Ronald Reagan Dies at 93 - By JEFF WILSON, Associated Press Writer

LOS ANGELES - Ronald Reagan's enemies and friends agreed he changed the world. The popular, infectiously optimistic president reshaped the Republican Party in his conservative image and devoted most of his energy to the destruction of Soviet communism abroad.

Reagan, 93, died Saturday following a 10-year battle with Alzheimer's disease.

--History will be kind to this President. Rest in Peace, Ron.