The Truth About Some People

There are people I know, who on the outside, seem like honest, decent, liberal minded people. I can see the inside of them somehow. I can see the bigot in them. I see the spoiler. I see the hate. I see the rotting core...

They want the world to think they are better than the rest. They are not.

On the inside they know who they are.

...and they will never know inner peace.

The End of Civilization

Well I read today that we may see the end of our civilization in our lifetime.

"Is it possible that global civilisation might collapse within our lifetime or that of our children? Until recently, such an idea was the preserve of lunatics and cults. In the past few years, however, an increasing number of intelligent and credible people have been warning that global collapse is a genuine possibility. And many of these are sober scientists, including Lord May, David King and Jared Diamond - people not usually given to exaggeration or drama."

--That would suck. I'm off to buy more ammo!

Merry Christmas

Today, I want to wish the world a Merry Christmas.

--Merry Christmas

Todays Koan

A monk saw a turtle in the garden of Daizui's monastery and asked the teacher, "All beings cover their bones with flesh and skin. Why does this being cover its flesh and skin with bones?" Master Daizui took off one of his sandals and covered the turtle with it.

--Movies and Music and Thinking


Why do so many peoples blogs focus on poop?

--not that I'm focusing on poop myself...

Anyone want to buy a Yurt

You know, one of those wonderful tents the Mongles invented.

We have two currently and are suffering unsightly pavillion buildup!

Full details here!!

Howard Stern

So Howard Stern moves to satellite radio broadcaster Sirius on January 9. He will be able to say and do what ever he wants without bothering the FCC.

I got bored with Stern years ago. I wish him luck weighing guys BMs on the air. I also hope that Sirius does not regret signing him for a $500 million, 5 year contract.

Yes folks. A half a Billion Dollars. He can suck for 5 years and still make $100 million a year.

--Maybe he will surprise us all by using a pile of that cash to help someone.

Random Christmas Notes

I love shopping on line. Mostly because I love my sofa. So if I can shop from my sofa it's like BR bringing me coffee in bed after making love to me. It's like chocolate and peanut butter! Some great things are meant to go together.

So in my on-line shopping wanderings I found this great site called w00t!

This place only sells one, deeply discounted, thing at a time. They are worth looking at daily just for the funny descriptions of the products. This place must also be run by young, single, guys. It's always selling electronic gear, RC cars, Big screen TVs, coffee makers and MP3 players.

--Don't hesitate though. When they sellout, it is gone for good!

The David Allen

The urinal on the far right: the David Allen. My friend once worked with a man named David Allen. He is apparently a contemptable, wretched man. My friend's goal: to familiarize the name with the short urinal. To be at a bar in San Francisco (we're in Boston), and overhear a joke about someone having to use the David Allen. Having it wind up on Google, and possibly even the dictionary would be the ultimate goal.

quoted from: (not my friend's blog, but apparently a person who also worked with said wretched man)

It is with the importance of nomenclature in mind, then, that I turn to the “low” or “David Allen” urinal, which occupies the very end of the bench in the already unfairly-disparaged World of Urinals. Named for a man of similarly diminutive stature and undesirable reputation, the David Allen is very much the low man on the depth chart of all urinal blocks. Though it’s often the cleanest of all the urinals, the “David Allen,” which is intended primarily though not exclusively for children, is generally only used when all of its full-statured brethren on the line are occupied. When it is finally called upon, it performs just as well as any other urinal, yet the David Allen user feels a sense either of insecurity--as if their use of the David Allen somehow ostracizes them and mocks their own diminutive stature-- or of simple resignation, like they’re receiving a second-rate peeing experience.

Gregg is Dead

Film producer Gregg Hoffman, who with his partners turned a $1 million horror movie called "Saw" into a $102 million hit, has died at the age of 42, associates said on Tuesday.

Lions Gate Entertainment, which distributed "Saw" and its successor "Saw II," said Hoffman died on Sunday in a Hollywood hospital of natural causes but gave no specifics. An autopsy is planned.

"Saw," financed by Hoffman and his partners at Twisted Pictures, cost about $1 million to make but reaped $102 million worldwide at the box office when it was released in October 2004.

--We need to make a movie! Who's with me!

The IVR Cheat Sheet

A friend of mine emailed me a link to a web site that has the short cuts for various phone systems to get to a human!

--I love it! It even has GEICO!

Public Service Announcment

My sister has breast cancer.

She has already had a lump-ectomy and they think got it all. She goes back soon for more tests to see if it had spread. She is very optimistic.

They found it early because of a mamogram. It was not even big enough find with a manual exam.

Go get a mamogram, ladies.

--This concludes todays PSA.