I am an addict to Craigslist, dammit.

I check it for campers, taxidermy, toolboxes and other free stuff almost every day.

Every major city has a craigslist page. Got to and find your closest page!

--I just got a cool fox trophy!

Battlestar Galatica Season 3

I just got season 3 of BSG!

By the Gods I love this show.

The production quality, the acting, the plots, the action, the special effects are excellent.

Watching this on the 120 inch screen is Glory and Goodness with a hint of Love!

I was lucky enough to meet Ron Moore and talk with him a little.


DC vs. Heller

Dick Anthony Heller is a 66-year-old security guard who carries a handgun to protect the employees and property at the federal building where he works in Washington, D.C.

Because Heller also is a resident of the District of Columbia, he is prohibited from having a handgun in his home for self-protection.

Heller sued to overturn Washington's 1976 gun-control law that also requires all rifles or shotguns in D.C. homes to be disassembled or kept under trigger lock.

Heller sued claiming that the D.C. law violated his Second Amendment rights.

That amendment states: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

To the surprise of many observers, Heller won his lawsuit before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit when that court struck down the district's gun law.

Now it is up to the U.S. Supreme Court to decide whether Heller has a constitutional right to keep a handgun in his home, located only a mile away from the court.

In essence, the D.C. law prevents citizens from using guns for self-defense. This is fine with many gun-control advocates.

--Personally, I think Heller should be able to keep a handgun in his home for his protection.

I LoveThis Robot

Boston Dynamics keeps working on their BigDog quadruped robot, which will probably grow to be the future AT-AT of the Pentagon. Its evolution since the last time we saw it is nothing sort of mindblowing, and a bit spooky.

Movie Night!!

Don't gasp and fall over! Marty is having a Movie Night!!

When: Friday, March 14th, 6pm
What: No Country for Old Men
Where: Marty's Movie McMansion Theater!
Who: You and people like you!
Why: Because the new home theater ROCKS!

I just picked this movie up today. It won the Academy Award for Best Picture and I have NOT seen it yet!

The bar opens at 5pm! Dinner at 6:30 or so! RSVP, Dammit so we can figure out what to cook or order! We might grill or order pizza!

RSVP! Do it now!