Weekly Weighin

What I thought was a sprained ankle, turned out to be a wicked bone spur. Ouch.

It was also our 9th wedding anniversary! We took a nice drive in the Blue Ridge mountains. BR had never done it before. It was a beautiful day with perfect weather.

Today's Weight: 247.2

Loss this Week: 3.2

Total loss so far:  22.8 pounds

Goal Weight: 195

--I'm going camping next weekend! Bourbon and not beer!

Monday Weigh-in

I have been nursing a sprained ankle, still, but did not manage to over do it too much.

I went to the Small Press Expo this week with friends. It was a good time. I will be going back again next year.

Today's Weight: 250.4

Loss this Week: 2.5

Goal Weight: 195

--This week I'm going the Bull Run Beer Fest on Saturday. Next week might be a problem weigh-in!

Monday Weigh-in

Week number 3 of the new fitness regime has gone well. I consider this the 2nd real week. 

I have been trying to get more active and do more things. This weekend I went camping and hiking. We went to the Woodstock Lookout Tower.

I have been nursing a spranged ankle but did not manage to over do it too much.

Today's Weight: 252.1

Loss this Week: 3.1

Goal Weight: 195

--This week I'm going to a comic convention!

Weigh In Monday

Week number two of the new fitness regime has gone well. I consider this the first real week because last week I lost 8.3 lbs but that was just to clear all the bacon and mashed potatoes out of my body.

Today's Weight: 256.0

Loss this Week: 5.1

Goal Weight: 195

--Brenda says I have lost weight in my head.