Leonids Lowdown: Global Forecast for Nov. 19 Meteor Shower - Fri Nov 1, 9:45 AM ET By Robert Roy Britt, Senior Science Writer, SPACE.com

The 2002 Leonid meteor shower promises a remarkable show in the early morning hours of Nov. 19, and SPACE.com has obtained the latest global forecasts. Though a nearly full Moon will outshine fainter meteors, skywatchers should not be discouraged, experts say. A storm of shooting stars, along with possible bright fireballs, is in store during a display that won’t be repeated for at least three decades.

Peak activity will come between midnight and sunrise on Tuesday, Nov. 19. Astronomers predict two outbursts – one for Europe and another for North America and parts of northern South America. Most viewers outside these locations will see only a trickle of shooting stars, though more than on other nights during the year.

--I love these events. Worthy of the effort.

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