Richard Roeper: Hollywood Anti-War Set Needs some New Lines

Richard Roeper, of Ebert & Roeper, sends a strong a message to the Hollywood anti-war crowd.

"Even though you are among the luckiest and best-rewarded human beings in the history of civilization, you have moaned long and loud about life in the oppressive United States of America. And you have complained that free speech is practically an endangered species--though it's not as if you've been kidnapped, bound and gagged for expressing your views...But I'm just wondering: If you're such a crusader for kindness and decency and the rules of fair play, when are you going to say something about the atrocities committed by Iraqis since this war broke out?"

--Spoiled brats in Hollywood are just still pissed because Gore is not in the Whitehouse sending them invites.

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