X2 - (***) GREEN LIGHT

The X-Men band together to find a mutant assassin who has made an attempt on the President's life, while the Mutant Academy is attacked by military forces.

This movie had a better plot than the first one. The character development was great. We didn't loose any time establishing the characters. Twists in the plot nicely integrated a wide variety mutant characters. The special effects are good, as expected. It's funny how much we expect these days.

This movie was 2 hours and 35 minutes long and I found myself wanting more. There were several stories in there. We could have had an entire movie just about several of the sub plots: Wolverines search for his past, his encounter with a like mutant. Love triangles. Magnetos escape. The young mutants coming of age. Man vs. Mutants. Lots of good stuff...

Most importantly, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos, playing Mystique, gets a lot of screen time!! There was one point where she was on screen with Ian McKellen. He was sitting and she was standing beside him, her chest level with his face... He could have been wearing a Hitler mustache and know one will ever know...

And if I was Wolverine, I would have taken her!


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