Christmas 2005 Phase One Complete:

Brenda and I were up last night until about 1am enjoying the lights and the mood and moments. It was all too soon when at 5:59am a small finger of an excited child was waking me. The Santa had in fact performed yet another classic reverse burgle. A new mountain of toys and stuff covered the floor. But I feel a need to lodge a complaint with the elves!

What the hell is up with all the damn twist ties?

Why is it easier to launch an ICBM than to open a Marvel Legends Iron Man? If I did not have my trusty Swiss Army Knife, we would be here until Twelfth Night opening these damn things!

Mark my words: Some kid will choke on a twist tie soon and then they will be banned and armies of small people in Chinese factories will have to switch from twist ties to other packaging technology! Let's just hope that poor kids survives, unlike the hundreds of dads whose heads will explode trying to open these things!!

Christmas continues tonight with a wonderful candle light service at church. The kids go home with their mom tonight for Christmas morning fun there with Grandpa. Brenda and I have a wonderful, romantic, Christmas morning together.

Gotta go! I smell Breakfast!

--Noel, dammit!

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