Books on MP3

So I went to the library last week in search of another pile of books on CD to amuse me during my commute from hell?

I scored the following goodness:

The Hobbit
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
The Return of the King

I just finished The Hobbit with the kids. They loved it and now want to hear them all. The problem is they are all due tomorrow. So today I am ingesting them all into my MP3 server. The next stereo I buy for the car will be able to play MP3's.

The Hobbit was on 13 CDs. I am amazed that more books on tape/CD are not done on MP3. It could be delivered on 1 disk in stead of 13. All 4 books will fit on one DVD. So cool.

All would fit on one iPod.


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