
I woke up at 6am on a Sunday morning today, slipped out of bed to let BR sleep in, and watched the movie CatWoman.

2 hours of my life I'll never get back.

If it wasn't for the excellent coffee and the Internet blog surfing I was doing, the aches in my joints would have driven me to the hottub. Again.

We were in the hottub at midnight. Frost was in the air. Mmmmm...

Funny Bone, not so Funny...

Last weekend I was helping a friend clear out his moms house. We were on the second 60 yard dumpster.

Anyway, while carrying a box I whacked my elbow on a door knob. With the precision of a Ninjas nerve point strike, I lost feeling and use in my whole arm. I had that classic tingle and the tendency to laugh at pain that was so NOT funny.

Anyway, a week later, my damn elbow still hurts! Oh the Humanity!

I'm going in the hot tub!

I Stand Alone

I actually liked it.

The cinematography was excellent. Beautiful camera work. The sepia tones gave it the feel.

Even the narration of the butchers decent into insanity was haunting.

Hard to watch? Yes. Disturbing? Yes.

I'm glad I watched it but wont be watching it again...

Speaking of Coffee

I love coffee. Good coffee. Finding it is like an on-going quest for me. The best place to get coffee in Manassas has been destroyed. Mikes Diner. It was torn down and replaced by a bank.

And so the quest continues.

All the new yuppie coffee shops are out. Starbucks has ruined the true Zen coffee experience for me. I don't want to pay a mint for coffee. I do not want to stand in a line. I don't want a paper cup. I don't want to pay another mint for refills. I don't want to have to serve my self!

Am I so spoiled?!

At Mikes, for a dollar, I could get a coffee AND a News Paper. It would be served by a pleasant waitress that usually called me "Hon". It would be served in a mug. A magic bottomless mug. I could sit for an hour and read the paper and drink fabulous coffee until my bladder was about to bust.

When BR lived in Manassas, on the other side of Mikes, I would stop there to kill time.



Autumn is here and the Great Pumpkin will come again!

What: Monster Movie Madness Night
Where: The Married Marty Monster Mansion
When: Saturday October 29th, 5pm until LATE
Why: We need a Movie Night Fix Bad
Who: You and People Like you!

Forget the same old halloween parties and come join us for some excellent Monster Movies! We will be cooking up some scary delights for dinner so RSVP damn you or I will curse your rotting soul!

It will be hunting season soon!!

I love Autumn. This year, I am once again going to drag myself into the forest to go dear hunting. Any reason to get in the forest and sit for several hours is a good idea. To begin with, I will hunt with my muzzle loader. That begins November 5th.

November 19th starts the full season. Brenda and I went to the range today and I sighted in my rifles. It was a beautiful day.

It wasn't crowded. It was a melting pot out there. Mostly yuppies.There were even several women at range.

You gotta love a woman with a light assault rifle outfitted with a silencer!

I love Autumn

This is by far my favorite season.

So when I decided to post today about my favorite season I did a quick Google search for a nice image of Autumn. Much to my surprise, on the first screen, there was a drawing from a guy the I know from the web.

Toothpaste for Dinner!

Friday Night is Date Night

We are starting this weekend off right!

Started off with a nice soak in the hot tub!
Going to dinner at a new restaurant.
Having drinks and heckling my Friend Joe as he sings at a pub!
Home again to top shelf scotch!

Maybe a bit more hot tubing. It's a beautiful Cool breezy night!

Raiders of the Lost Ark

I am watching Raiders of the Lost Ark tonight with the kids.

This is such a classic. It will be excellent for ever. The strange part is watching my kids watch it. Cady isn't that interested. Gray is into it big time.

The pace is perfect. The plot is excellent. The acting fits the bill!

Damn good on DVD!

I cannot wait for the day I watch Terminator with em!

The DARPA Challenge is this weekend

You know you love Autonomous Robots!!

You can follow the progress of the MITRE Meteor and the other contenders in the DARPA Grand Challenge online tomorrow. Simply log on to The first vehicle is expected to launch between 9 and 9:30 a.m. EDT. The Meteor is likely to launch between 10 and 10:30 a.m. The site will also include a course map and information about the 23 finalists.

Better life through technology!

I love my office.

Where I work it is in a brand new building. State of the art. And one thing I love above the rest...

The Rest Rooms.

They are brand new, clean classic tiles, stainless steel stall dividers, mirrors and best of all, motion sensors everywhere! The toilets flush automatically, the urinals flush automatically, the sinks turn on automatically, doors open and close.

If the stall doors opened automatically it would be Star Trek!!


It has been a long time since I have seen a great Sci-fi movie. Serenity broke the draught.

I already loved the characters. The movie made no attempt to retread the series. It made very brave plot moves. The special effect were excellent.

All it was missing was a serious sex scene, dammit!


Well and Truly Married

Well, the wedding week is over. For some reason I am looking forward to getting back into the routine. Work, kids, the hot tub, movie nights, church, writers group, grilling, and napping in the hammock. All with the wife.

Damn, she makes an awesome grilled cheese sammich!!