I have a huge TiVo addiction.

I admit it. ...and I am not ashamed.

This realization came to me because for the first time in years we are having problems with DirecTV. This mean that my DirecTiVo unit does us no good.

The most notable component of my addiction is that I have lost my ability to channel surf. I can't just sit and cycle mindlessly through cable channels. (yes we have cable TV as well as DirecTV, leave me alone damn you!) So now the TV stays on HGTV.

The DirecTV Guy comes on Monday. MLK and MTV.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Terrible. I can't believe you have to wait until Monday. I don't even have a TiVo..or a cable box that is 'like' TiVo..some people live SIMPLE Marty. hee hee!!!