Allergy Season Action

So I am winding down this allergy season. My sinuses are ruin. I have been taking Benedryl at night and Claritin D during the day. The net effect of all the Medications is a painfully dry nose and sinus. Every now and then I have these amazing sneezing fits. But today was the best.

I was at my desk at work when a spectacular nose bleed started. I have this thing about keeping certain of my precious bodily fluids all to myself so I grabbed a Kleenex and headed for the rest room. We have the best restrooms ever. big stalls, very clean...

...and totally bright white.

Just as I was reaching for some TP I was hit with a sneezing fit. When I was done it looked like a crime scene in there.

--It took forever to clean up that well sprayed, bloody stall.

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