Think about this the next time you have a bad day.

My brothers 14 year old daughter has a brain tumor.

She started having seizures (rescue squad came to the school, strapped her to a back board and carted her off etc.). An MRI by a really great doctor in Warrenton revealed the culprit. A trip to UVA (University of Va.) followed. UVA happens to have one of the leading brain problem programs in the world and got the scoop that it is not cancerous but still needs to be removed.

This particular form of brain tumor is the best to have if you absolutely have to have a brain tumor. 90 percent plus survival rate with no function loss. Plus, they have all the best technology and all star doctors. Her doctor and his father did the Christopher Reeves stuff.

Within the next two weeks she will have brain surgey to remove the tumor (for those with a Google itch, it's a "low grade primary astrocytoma").

She will be up to a week in the hospital with additional time at home before everything gets back to normal.

--Send some good vibes her way!

1 comment:

Molly said...

Oh Marty - my heart goes out to everyone in the family...