We love TiVo in Marty's World.
It makes us happy. We never watch commercials. We Love it so much we have two machines. The problem is that we were early abopters of the technology and both the units are Series 1 TiVos. But they both hold Lifetime subscriptions.
Sadly one of the units began to fail. The Hard disk was getting twitchy.
I was whining about this at work and talked to a guy the purchased a replacement drive with the TiVo OS already loaded! $115 dollars later and 15 minutes to install and we are back up with a new OS and 90 hours of TiVo Goodness. (the old drive was only 30 hours)
We are cooking with gas!!!
--Now to program in all my shows again!
1 comment:
I so want the ease and comfort or TiVo back. It was nice when I could search for stuff or check out what TiVo had suggested based on stuff already recorded.
The new version of DirecTV apparently doesn't like TiVo so we're forced to use their crappy DVR.
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