The Road to 3.0

So I started working on the next phase of modifications to the home theater.

This is the scary phase for the wife! I actually began ripping into drywall and opening a new doorway into the theater.

I actually discovered that there are other "Tree House" home carpenters that suck worse than me at home improvement! When I broke into the wall I found a very amusing set of tree house features! Lots of reused lumber that was the wrong sizes and filled with bent nails and blood stains!

The one thing that worried me was moving a light switch. Electricity can kill you. But it was an easy move. It's already done.

Drywall, paint and a bit of tile will finish off the new doorway. The items that remain for Home Theater 3.0:

1) Tiered seating
2) Sceen Framing
3) Carpet
4) Lighting

--We are on the way!!

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