Rule Number One: Don't Panic

I almost died today.

Seriously. I choked on my lunch today. I know now, that in my entire life, I never have really choked before. Today, like many other days, I was working through lunch. I often do this to make sure I don't have to work late. Some days I don't even bother warming up my lunch and just wolf it down. Like today...

A piece of pork loin firmly lodged in my throat. I was helpless. I could not swallow it, couldn't breath, couldn't cough or gag or do anything.

20 seconds of abject Fear. Fear for Brenda and the kids and never seeing The Hobbit filmed with real people.

I actually thought to myself, "If you don't act now you are dead." Rule Number One was invoked. I didn't panic.

I wasn't going to be one of those people who are too embarrassed to ask for help. I figured coworkers were a 10 second walk away. 15 seconds to communicate the point. Then say hello for Mr. Heimlich.

As I moved to get up the piece of meat shifted. My epiglottis was freed and air moved. I stifled a cough and gag and worked on swallowing that cinder block. It went down eventually. Once water seemed like a good idea I drank a quart quickly.

Mom was right. "Marty! Chew your food!"

--Rule Number One: Don't Panic

1 comment:

Molly said...

WOW - OK so I'm chewing everything well from now on. Phew!