2009 is my year to get fit.

I will be turning 50 years old late this year.

By the time my birthday rolls around, my goal is to be about lighter and in much better shape physically.

My first weigh-in of the year was 294 pounds.

--Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

Now listen bro..... I am counting on you to deliver my eulogy, or at least get drunk and piss on my grave... Don't let your brother down!!!

Get Healthy DAMMIT!!!!

Anonymous said...

No, it has NOT been 10 years already since I attended your 40th birthday bash!

Man oh man, how time flies.

(Signed: Isdihara - having problems with username and password login)

Mr. Jer said...

Low carb works! You will loose your cravings for bread, cake, cookies, etc. in about four days! You don't even have to do Atkins where you induce Ketosis. Just eat salads, low glycemic vegetables (broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, calliflower, cabbage, spinach, mushrooms and no potatoes, white rice, wheat etc.). Eat cheese, meat (BACON!), eggs, low glycemic fruits (cantalope, watermelon, strawberries, raspberries and no grapes, apples, bananas). Check out some low carb websites. One is something like "Low Carb Pavilion". You can do it! I lost three pounds this week. Breakfast: lite coffee, cottage cheese with catalope. Mid morning snack: peanuts. Lunch: salad with meat. Dinner: Stirfry veggies with meat. Nite time snack: pork rinds, pepperoni and cheese, peanuts, "pizza" is a large portabella mushroom cap with mozzarella cheese and pepperoni baked and non alcohol beer like O'douls. You can do it. You feel so satisfied eating meat and cheese you actually eat less. You can do it, it worked for me three years ago. I lost twenty pounds in six weeks.
Mr. Jer