Goodbye 2008

In no priority order, in 2008 the following crap happened:

It was an expensive year. Our cash reserves took huge hits:
  • The value of our house fell $100,000.
  • My retirement investments crashed big time.
  • I had to write a check for $37,000 to pay our taxes. Cleaning us out.
  • Fuel prices spiraled to over $4 a gallon.
  • I was in 2 car accidents.
  • Vehicles were in the shop like 9 times, and not cheap.
Health was not so good this year either:
  • I stubbed my toe so bad on July 25 my toenail still has not grown back.
  • I gained 60 pounds (again).
  • My knee is acting up again.
There was too much cancer in 2008:
  • Too many friends and family discovered they had cancer this year.
  • Even Brenda had a HUGE cancer scare and operation.
  • The worst of it is Brenda's mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer (less than a year to live).
Lastly there was too much death in 2008:
  • I managed to attend too many funerals this year.
  • Including my favorite cat Jasmine.
  • And worst of all, my dear friend Kelly Kirk died for no good reason.
-- Goodbye 2008.


Molly said...

Agree! 2008 was tough. When I twittered - "amazing how fast things change" I was talking about this ...hoping it's not an omen for 2009. I am also fighting a big condo development in my neighborhood for the new year. UGH!

Anonymous said...

I'm wishing you strength and great things for 2009!
From Mr. Jer