Level Up: Martys Home Theater

So we made the leap to Blu-Ray last night. I Found the exact player I wanted, on sale for $199, at BestBuy.

It's all Joe's fault.

Two weekends ago, Gray and I went over to Joe's house and watched a couple movies on his new Blu-Ray player. It was like the difference between VHS and DVD all over again.

It also plays DVDs in the Up-Convert mode mode to 1080p.

I can't believe that my 120 inch screen can have such great high definition.

--Damn HDMI cable are expensive though!


Kim Moore said...

Um....have you ever thought to talk to me about buying HDMI cables....(WHERE DO I WORK)
geesh. I'm insulted.

Anonymous said...

You are not allowed to go to Joe's house ever again!

De said...

Blu-Ray friggin' rules! Have you done any comparisons yet? We compared Terminator 2 and the difference is night and day, even with the upconversion.

Monoprice.com is the place where I snagged my cables. They work great.