I love the new music web site at www.lala.com. It's a music download site with added value. You can listen to entire songs or CD's for free the first time, see what your friends are listening to, see what is popular in the world and even by genre.

Check it out!

Here is a section from their FAQ!

How do I create a collection on Lala?
There are two simple ways to add music into your Lala collection:
  1. Find new music on Lala and then add it to your web collection for unlimited listening. Adding a web song to your collection is only 10 cents. And your first 50 web songs are free!

  2. Take the music you already have and make it playable anywhere on the web. Music Mover instantly adds the music you own to your Lala collection for free.
A web song is a song that lives on the internet. Each web song is only 10 cents, and your first 50 web songs are free!
When you buy a web song it is added to your Lala collection. You can then listen to it as many times as you like, from any web browser. You can also add it to playlists. If you later decide to also buy the MP3, the 10 cents you paid for the web song is credited towards the MP3.
The majority of the MP3s on Lala are available for only 89 cents. If you've already purchased the web song, that 10 cents is applied toward the final MP3 purchase (so the MP3 is an additional 79 cents).
All of the MP3s on Lala are DRM-free music downloads, and are compatible with iTunes and Windows Media Player.
The vast majority of our MP3 files are encoded using variable bit rates (VBR), aiming at an average of 256 kilobits per second (kbps). Lala will notify you of the bitrate for the specific track you are purchasing before you confirm an MP3 purchase.
To listen to the music you already own from your Lala collection, install the Music Mover

Music Mover will then find all of the songs on your computer. If a song on your computer matches Lala’s licensed catalog, it will instantly be added to your online collection. The remaining songs that were not matched will then begin uploading to your collection behind the scenes.
If you click "Follow" on any profile page, you will begin seeing that person's music activity delivered daily to the feed on your Lala home page. Following friends and experts can give you a continuous stream of great music to explore! To find new people to follow, click the magnifying glass in the upper right hand corner of your feed.

You are notified any time someone follows you and may choose to disallow or "Block" them at any time. Visit the people page to view who you are following and who is following you.

To quickly find people you know that are already on Lala, go to the people page and select the “Find friends on lala” tab. This tab helps you find people on Lala you may know by matching existing members to your email contact list.

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