I finished

I finished the first draft of my Scifi novel yesterday! I even managed to get some real cover art for the book.

I also started a blog about the experience.

Here is the plan going forward:
  • Cut it down to reasonable size.
  • Do a full edit/revision.
  • Holly will edit for spelling/grammar.
  • Find 10 alpha readers for feedback.
  • Final revision/edit.
  • Self publish via Kindle.
This has been a ready fun project. Outlines have already begun for Book 2 & 3!


spugbrap said...

Awesome! I'd love to be one of the alpha readers, when the time comes, if you're looking for volunteers.

Marty said...

Shoot me an email to martin.wilsey@gmail.com and I will put you on the list. Keep in mind there will be homework!