Rifle Found. Sources Say Police Believe Two Held Are the Suspects in Sniper Case - ABCNEWS.com - Oct. 24

A .223-caliber rifle was found in the car that two men wanted for questioning in the sniper shooting case were sleeping in at a Maryland rest stop when they were arrested early this morning, ABCNEWS has learned. The rifle was found by agents executing a federal search warrant this morning after the arrests of the two men.

The arrests were made shortly after 3:30 a.m. ET, after an alert motorist spotted the two men sleeping in a Chevy Caprice parked at a rest stop on Interstate 70 in Frederick County, Md., about 50 miles northwest of Washington, D.C., and notified the authorities.

The police who took the call notified the sniper task force, and SWAT teams surrounded the car at a distance and waited for the right moment to move in.

--I think I will celebrate by buying some gas and going to Micheals.

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