All Dork Weekends Rule!

This is going to be a complete geek-fest weekend for me. Tonight my son Gray and I are having a mans night out. I told him we can go where ever he wants and do whatever he wants (a brave thing to say to an eight year old). I had visions of Chucky Cheeses, bad pizza, twenty dollars in tokens and early carpe tunnel in the wrists from Space Invaders...

In stead he says, "I want to go to BestBuy and look for upgrades for my computer." His eyes were beaming.

Tonight will be followed by an all day LOTRED-Fest at a friends house. Lord of the Rings, Extended Editions to the non-movie geeks out there. A sweet 12 hour, butt numb-a-thon! This is what makes life so sweet.

--But what does "seize the tunnel" have to do with my wrist problem?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, Whats with the changing corner Icon and header. You're scaring me.