What the Hell?

So I went to the pool this morning and the place was packed. There was a giant swim meet going on so the stands were full of really hot moms in their forties (yet more evidence hot women in their forties are taking over). I was swim walking to work my knees out without killing them. A great workout you can still do after four knee operations. A great thing about that workout is that you get to people watch.

I began to see a troubling fashion trend.

Look, I know I am not "with-it" when it come to fashion. But what the hell is up with wearing pajama bottoms? I saw this 35 year old guy in a seventies porn star mustache, an orange Syracuse sweatshirt and gray Hello Kitty pajama bottoms!

Wassup with that?


Anonymous said...

Being that
1) I am from Syracuse
2) I wear sweats (cut off, American Eagle HOT PINK)
3) I love Hello Kitty...

I cannot see much wrong with that man but his mustache. I'm guessing that he was up here this weekend for Seniors Weekend at SU! :) Maybe it was a souvenir.

Anonymous said...

Sounds gay to me.