A Love letter to Brenda

Dearest Brenda my Love, my Wife,

On this day of days
Before our esteemed family and friends
With language insufficient to the task
I will to tell you how much I love you…

I have already shared all that I own
But you know material things mean little to me…

I have bought you gifts and found that
The humblest of these have meant the most to you…

I have opened my heart in letters, best counted by volumes,
In hopes that you might see and know and understand me…

I have shared what I Love most in the world, my children Cady and Gray
And consider it a privilege and an honor to do so…

I have shown you, that behind closed doors
No other woman is treated with as much kindness or respect…

You now understand the only thing I want in life
And know that I’ll never find it without you…

So I would chose to be with you
As if the choice was mine to make….

On this day of days
In this moment you’ll never forget
Destiny smiles with Love in your eyes,
Knowing 25 years was NOT too long to wait.

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