Plenty of time for sleep in the grave...

Friday night I stayed up until 5am, playing poker, for the first time in years. I had gotten up for work at 5am that morning.

It occurred to me that the last time I was up 24 hours in a row was the day Brenda had her operation. This was way more fun than that!

This was my bachelor party, with corresponding "Vegas Rules" in place. Big fun was had by all.

The tough part was getting up with less than 4 hours sleep to host a Bowling-Birthday-Bash for my son and 8 of his wild friends. With video camera rolling we all had, very loud fun!

I also discovered that the grill at Bowl America serves a mean steak and cheese!

With the party over Brenda an I went home and caught up with my old friend Tom while soaking in the hottub. Cady and Gray and 2 friends trashed the house as we relaxed. After the friends left, and house repaired, I watched Minority Report with the kids! An excellent day all around.

I love going to bed when I am that tired.

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