"Lost" Gets Real

Is ABC trying to get Lost fans fired?

As if there wasn't already enough material out there for superfans to obsess over, including a plethora of fan sites and message boards devoted to the show, now a Lost storyline is making the jump from fiction to reality.

ABC has announced plans to introduce a Lost subplot about a character named Gary Troup, a fictitious author who supposedly perished in the crash of Oceanic Flight 815, but left behind the manuscript on which he had been working, having dropped it off with his publisher just days before boarding the fatal flight.

Here's where the line between fact and fiction blurs: Hyperion Books, ABC's sister publishing label, is actually putting out said manuscript in book form this spring--here in the real world--to coincide with the related episodes of Lost.

The marketing ploy may be the first to combine characters and events from a television show with a real-life sales campaign, according to Variety.

New episodes of Lost resume Wednesday, Nov. 9 at 9 p.m. Set your TiVos now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've often said, if Lost aired new episodes eight hours a day, five days a week (with no loss in quality), I'd have to quit my job just to focus on the show.

I have to think they're doing the book since they know millions of Lost addicts will buy the book the day it's released.