Catching up on TiVo

Catching up on TiVo

So I am back from vacation, done moving, my gear is set back up, including TiVo.

What happened?

I go on vacation and all the writers from SG1 were replaced by a committee of 12 year old fan boys. I just watched episode 200. This thing was done by fanboys on esspresso. Fan boys with ADD. I mean for gods sake they had Thunderbirds puppets.

O'Neil actually said, "I wouldn't mind one last trip through the orifice."


--They should have gone straight to Claudia Black in a skimpy top and leather pants!


Anonymous said...

unless you're in your hot tub there is no excuse for no update since last Saturday

Brian said...

LOL. Sean (9 yrs old) was distraught recently over the news of SG1 being cancelled. He asked me how this could happen when SG1 is so obviously the best show in the world. I said apparently the 9-year-old-boy demographic just isn’t bringing enough ad money for SciFi these days. I don’t really think I got through to him.