I finally had to go to the doctor.

My knee has been getting worse and worse over the summer. All the camping and moving has kicked me down hard. Last week I went to see the doctor. He was amazed I could walk at all.

When I had my knee operation in 1999 he told me I had an artificial knee in my future. Now it is seven years later and I am due. He told me it was up to me. He'd do it whenever I'm ready.

I am NOT ready.

So... in an effort to get all the mileage out of this knee that I can, I have started a serious diet. I weighed in yesterday at 285 lbs. I have the ambitious goal of 185 lbs. by next labor day weekend.

I am starting off with Nutrisystem. I am going to give it a try for six months. You will probably be forced to suffer through a pile of whining posts in the next year about it. Already the egg&cheese breakfast sucks!

--Coffee is still my friend!

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