My food fest aftermath

So yesterday I was completely off my diet. Ate as much as I wanted, way more than I wanted really. My morning weigh-in was 244, (41 lb total loss so far).

The odd thing is that I still ate way less than I use to eat all the time.

We all went out to breakfast to start the day. We went to Shoney's and enjoyed the breakfast buffet! Lot's of sausage, ham and bacon! Plenty of eggs, cheese, and French toast. And really good coffee... Mmmmmmm...

For lunch I had half a pumpkin pie! More, coffee with extra BR love added!

Dinner was a mountain of Classic Turkey and the fixins! Lots-O-Gravy! It was over so fast.

My weigh-in this morning was 249. I gained 5 lbs in one day!!

--Time for my morning bran muffin...


Anonymous said...

As a side note: When I was brushing my teeth this morning I lost a huge filling. I will be jumpstarting that diet again not being able to eat any food that isnt mush!!

Anonymous said...

That first crap should have taken that five pounds right out.

Anonymous said...

I dropped half of it already.

Anonymous said...

I am eating pizza. Meat lovers. And beer, lots of beer.