
My Birthday is Friday and I am falling off the diet wagon for a few days. A total food fest for my B'Day.

Currently I am at 239 lbs. I have lost 46 pounds so far.

We are doing a shrimp platter on Christmas day. A pot luck on Dec 30th. Lots of wine and beers and festive action.

--I can't wait for the Rice Crispy Treat action!


Anonymous said...

Before and after pictures are required!

Anonymous said...

We will have them! Been taking a seies of them, front and profile, wearing just gym shorts!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday you! Glad you were born! : )

Pern World said...

After the Greasy spoon Diner Breakfast special this morning, and the Tai Food for lunch and finally Bone Fish Grill Chicken Marsala for dinner, I am wretched!!!