
We are headed to our hometown this weekend for a visit to the In-Laws!

I am actually looking forward to The trip! I am going to love seeing Brenda's family as well as some old friends from college and even High School! We are having a get together at one of our old haunts on Saturday night! I love visiting the old neighborhood. The trees are getting sooo BIG!!

I love traveling with Brenda, staying in hotels, camping and even driving!

-- And eating at Waffle House!!


Molly said...

Wish we could have made it. In the end we just didn't have the fortitude to drive the whole way when we only had a few days. What a bunch of light-weights, I know. But we did have a blast in Montreal. Got an email from Chaz today - something I get maybe 2x a year. Nice.

Bob Welch said...

Wafflehouse is better than Falconcrest eh? Where is Wafflehouse?