McCain is a Lock

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Ralph Nader is entering the presidential race as an independent, he announced Sunday, saying it is time for a "Jeffersonian revolution."

Ralph Nader is running for president as an independent.

Sen. Hillary Clinton told reporters, "I remember when he ran before. It didn't turn out very well for anybody -- especially our country."

In other news:

2008 Election Results Leaked

-- I still think everyone qualified to actually run this country is too smart to go into politics...

1 comment:

De said...

Keep in mind the last time Ralph Nader ran for president as an independent. That was in 2004 where his influence was nearly zero.

I'm not entirely sure why the press seems to think that Nader's presence will shift things like in 2000. But we also live in an age where the majority of the news media is like a giant three year-old that seems to only understand the concepts of now and not now.