Book Meme

Book Meme

Pick up the nearest book of 123 pages or more. No cheating!

  • Find page 123.
  • Find the first three sentences.

  • "Some muffled sounds came through the door. Then silence, and he was about to knock again wgen the man said, 'What the hell is this?"
    'Parcel for you,' he said."

    --Hit Man by Lawrence Block


    Molly said...

    I never worried much, because there was always somebody at the Mohawk Grill who knew where to find him if I needed him. I had plenty of ready cash and a growing savings account, the existence of which nobody knew.

    "Boys your age need guidance," Rose went on. "Before long you'll have some girl knocked up, and then where will you be?"

    The Risk Pool
    Richard Russo

    GREAT book.

    Anonymous said...

    "For example, consider the following block of JSP text:

    < Some code here that will probably break something if I include it>

    This page displays the copyright notice at the top and bottom of the page importing a URL that contains the copyright notice."

    "JSTL in Action" - Shawn Bayern
