My friend Molly sent me a great link to see which candidate fits you best on the issues that matter to you:
The survey on the issues confirmed what I already knew. I was going to vote for McCain. It also confirmed that that I was only and issue or two on the McCain side.
I know people that swear on a stack of Mothers graves that, "if McCain wins they are moving to Canada". I'm not that adamant either way.
-- Let me know what your scores are! VOTE!
78% McCain and I still don't know if I will vote for him......
87% for Obama and I don't know if I will vote for him either. They will both raise taxes. Who are they kidding????
62% Barr. I am voting McCain.
I'll believe the whole "Moving to Canada" stuff when I see it. The only people who actually follow through with it are folks who are able to afford such a lifestyle change (i.e., celebrities).
While I initially leaned McCain, the two-faced campaign of the last month or so has really put me off. Same reason I didn't vote for Gore in 2000.
Bob Barr baby!
While I believe the world will not have a complete meltdown on January 20th I hope that everyone takes a good look around and stop pointing figures and get down to business. I believe that with everyones' help this country can be better and with support of leaders, average Joes and family minded men and women it will be!
I am proud to say I was one of eight people to vote for Barr at my precinct. We need to move away from a two party system some how!
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