Brenda is on the mend, the stock market not so much

Brenda starts back to work next week. It has been a long six weeks to get back to this level. The entire six weeks went faster for me than the 4 hours I had to wait to see her that morning in the hospital.

In preparation for her return to work, we did the last, most painful, activity we needed to do.

Look at our retirement fund.


It was not as bad as we thought it would be. It still sucks. After the "Dot Com" bubble I was more conservative in my mutual fund choices. One fund we have continues to climb. Even now. Slow and steady.

The closer we get to retirement the more will be transferred to secure funds like that.

--For now, there's Scotch!

1 comment:

De said...

One of the various accounts I held at one job had all of $12 left. I think it cost them more to send the report.