Weekly Weigh-In: Week 5

OK People, it's time to post the news, Good or bad! I had pizza twice last week. Gotta stop that.

Here are my numbers:
  • Starting Weight: 270.0
  • Today's Weight: 253.6
  • Loss This Week: 1.1 lbs
  • Total Loss: 16.4 lbs
--Time to step up the exercise!


Pern said...

Don't you just love scales that go to the 10th of a pound? Down a half pound for a total of 8.5. (Sigh) I wanted that 10 pounds for the month.
This month's goal is 8 lbs for the monthe (2 a week) and at least 3 days I get in an hour of exercise.

Sue said...

Down a 1/2 pound this week -- better than going the other direction :^). Goal this month is a loss of 8 lbs. I started my exercise program so I think this will make a difference. My goal this month is to be better about the food menu and preparation end for dinner and snacks and to just to get used to doing regular cardio, strength training, and stretching. Next month will add more time and weight to the program (and start on the psychology of weight loss issues).