Weekly Weigh-In: Week 8

OK People, it's time to post the news, Good or bad! I was disappointed this week wanting to clear what I put on last week.

Here are my numbers:
  • Starting Weight: 270.0
  • Today's Weight: 255.1
  • GAIN This Week: .1 lbs
  • Total Loss to date: 15.1 lbs
--It was our anniversary weekend and on my weigh-in on Friday I was down a pound. I did enjoy the weekend! How did you do?


Sue said...

+.6 - beginning of party season -- need to step up the exercise...

Pern said...

It sucked...same old story. On the plus side, I did not totally blow it, but I'm just not being dedicated. Too many weekends where I'm off having fun.

Jeff said...

I need a new scale, mine fluctuates to much. By best guess, I'm even plus or minus 3.
