Weekly Weigh-In

This week I got into my old skinny jeans! I am down to the last hole in my smallest belt. Brenda says, "Marty the pants situation is getting ridiculous! Go buy pants!"

I am going to be on travel for the next two weeks so weigh-ins are not going to be on the normal Wednesdays. I am worried that eating out every meal for two weeks is going to be a problem. I am going to try and off set that by stepping up the exercise.

And I got a hair cut!!

Here are today's numbers:

  • This weeks weight:  233.4
  • Loss this week:  2.1 pounds
  • Starting Weight: 296
  • Goal Weight:  196
  • Pounds to goal: 39.5
  • Total loss so far: 62.6 pounds!
--I want to thank everyone for all the encouragement!

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