Weekly Weigh-In

Went hiking this week in the Blue Ridge Mountains

Yet another big milestone for me. I have past the 60 pound mark. That's right folks!  60 pounds out of the 100 I want to drop is gone!

Brenda said last night, "My God, my arms go all the way around you now!"

Now is the time to stay focused! I have some travel coming up and that is always harder for me!

Here are today's numbers:
  • This weeks weight:  235.5
  • Loss this week:  2.3 pounds
  • Starting Weight: 296
  • Goal Weight:  196
  • Pounds to goal: 39.5
  • Total loss so far: 60.5 pounds!
--Off we go for another good week!

1 comment:

Anna-ree said...

Awesome! Keep up the good work! :)