PETA Gives Fur Coats to the Poor - Thu Dec 19, 8:24 AM ET

TORONTO (AP) - Fur isn't for rich folks, but it's fine for the homeless. At least according to some animal-rights activists.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is giving fur coats to the poor.

PETA has teamed with a Toronto community center to donate 30 hand-me-down fur coats and jackets to homeless women.

PETA is trying to drive home its message that animals should not be victims of fashion. A PETA spokeswoman says the only people who should wear furs are the truly destitute.

--Just when I thought PETA couldn't get any more stupid. "Let's give this homeless woman a $1000 mink coat." Do they really think they will keep them instead of selling it to us meat eaters? Sheesh!

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