Start Trek: Nemesis - (**1/2) green light

It was good. About as good as a two hour TV episode. So if you like Start Trek, go see it.

That being said, Stop reading if you don't want spoilers.

I am sick of the Doomsday machine plot. This movie started out great! The Romulans! I wanted political intrigue! I wanted a mystery! I thought I was going to get a complex plot about the cloning of Picard and Warf being naked!

It really needed to focus tighter. Make the movie about the harrowing aspects of marrying a Star Fleet Captain! Make a movie about Datas Quest for his humanity and family. Make an action adventure plot like the original Mission Impossible!

DO NOT regurgitate the "OH MY GOD! There is a Doomsday Machine headed for earth! and The Enterprise is the only Starship in the whole damn quadrant!"

I want Sisco... But Nemesis will do for now...

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