Reid threatens partial Senate shutdown

Surrounded by 37 Democratic senators on the steps of the Capitol, Democratic Leader Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada threatened Tuesday to shut down the Senate over the issue of filibusters of President Bush’s judicial nominations. Reid would exempt from his shut-down only national defense matters and spending needed to ensure ongoing federal operations.

Democrats seem incapable of learning the lesson taught by Tom Daschel, the architect and chief instigator of their obstructionism; Tom Daschel, who used to be minority leader in the Senate; Tom Daschel who used to be a senator.

Even people who don't follow the workings of our government know that the president's judicial nominees deserve a vote. They know that the Democrat's tactics are, at best, disrespectful of the nominees; at worst contempt for the people of the United States and their constitution.

--They will never learn. They have to be for something, not just against something.


Anonymous said...

But that means they will all get approved. Because of the Senate makeup.

Anonymous said...

Of course that's what it means. That's how it's suppose to work!!

De said...

Are there any issues that Democrats can disagree with Republicans about or are they all supposed to just roll over and take it?

Anonymous said...

I never want anyone to roll over.

I want people to disagree. I want to hear persuasive discourse. I want to hear reasoned arguments regarding issues. And specifically in this case I want to hear thoughtful debate about the individuals nominated. Filibusters of President Bush’s judicial nominations is none of that.

I am a very issue specific guy. The issue here is that a small group is trying to STOP the judicial nominations from being discussed at all. They are saying FUCK YOU to the process.

I'd be pissed about this regardless of the party of the guys doing it. In fact I believe Filibusters should be stopped completely. There is no real reason for them to exist any longer.
