The Deer Hunter

I got my first deer of the season.

It was a perfect shot, and yet, it ran and I had to track it. The bullet was a through and through heart/lung shot, but it hit no bones, so it could run. I did the right thing and sat for ten minutes before tracking it. As expected it was less than a hundred yards away.

I was hunting with three friends. None of them have ever gotten a deer hunting before. So we were set for a lesson on field cleaning and skinning.

I will leave out the details, but now they are well and truly trained. Brenda was great later when I came home to process a huge pile of very red meat. We had it done in about two hours.

Now our kitchen is cleaner than ever!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You do that? That's sick. In a sexy kind of he-man jungle guy sick sorta way.