War and Peace

I don't normally blog about politics because it is a divider. I have strong opinions on very contentious issues. My opinions vary far and wide and hold something to piss off pretty much everyone.

This week I have found myself thinking about Iraq. I have come to some harsh conclusions.

Let me detail a series of events:

The House and Senate didn't declare war.
  • They simply voted that the President "Could Act" if he saw fit.
  • Cowards all

    The President "Acts"
  • Troops roll in, kicking ass and talking names.
  • Politicians say on Day One that it will be another Vietnam and the War won't be over until Iraq surrenders
  • Saddam declares Iraq will never surrender.
  • The Media has a field day broadcasting from tanks

    Iraq Surrenders in 17 days
  • Iraq soldiers surpass the French in the "Quick to Surrender" department
  • Entire units begin to surrender to recon patrols
  • Saddam flees on foot having never made any evacuation plans in his hubris
  • Even though Iraq has surrendered politicians state the War isn't over until Saddam is brought to justice

    Saddam is found hiding in a hole
  • He was tried, convicted and hung by his own people
  • Politicians say the War isn't over until elections take place

    Elections take place (twice now)
  • Turnout is 3 times better that the last US election
  • Politicians say the War isn't over until the Iraq leader of al-Qaeda, al-Zarqawi is killed
  • None of the predicted waves of terror attacks happen in the US

    al-Zarqawi is killed

  • Some are saying the War won't be won until Osama bin Ladin is dead (Reminder: OBL is Saudi Arabian)
  • Now the War (that wasn't a war) won't be won until ALL our troops are home...

    While our politicians are dicking around our generals have had a good time testing all their new weapon systems. As far as they are concerned it's the safest war ever. 700 dead soldiers a year is nothing to them. It will take 78 years to reach the American soldier body count of Vietnam.

    --Face it people. This War was won long ago. We are losing the Peace... Because or leaders can't work together.

    Anonymous said...

    What ever your political beliefs this seems spot on to me.

    Politicians suck. All of them.

    Anonymous said...

    that is so true. wtf is wrong with people?

    Anonymous said...

    Pulling out now will leave chaos in our wake.

    Maybe they'd all eat each other.