Let me over simplify with a stupid analogy:

Let's say you had a neighbor across the street that has a wife and nine children. Day after day you see him beating his wife and children. He's been doing it for years. You keep calling the cops but all they do is talk about it and send him letters. A couple times they send in social workers but they still do nothing.

One day, in front of the whole neighborhood, he breaks into the neighbors house and kills a bunch of their children and tells everyone he's keeping the house. The cops come, chase him out, but be kills more of the kids on the way out and sets the house on fire. He gets chased home all the way into his bedroom and then all the cops just leave. He's so pissed off he beats his wife and kids worse than ever. He oldest sons join him in beating the others. The cops send more letters, but he doesn't stop. He doesn’t let inspectors come any more.

One day you see him raping and murdering his own children. He threatens his neighbors too. Even you and your family.

You call the cops and they say they'll send a telegram this time but cant risk sending a social worker because its too dangerous.

By the way, you work for the police department, you are a policeman, but have been asked to do nothing. It's not your family or your business.

That's how I feel about Iraq and Saddam. I don't care who it pissed off. I'd have to stop him.

--Over simplified, but that's how I feel.


Anonymous said...

But you don't need to burn down the house, kill two more of the children, capture him alive and put him on trial with a questionable outcome......

Just one well placed .308 round and problem is solved....

Marty said...

One .308 would not be enough.

The elder children were now murderers too.