Marty's 2004 Politics Random Roundup.

What's up with the stupid exit polls during the election this year. They are so F'd up Kerry thought he won for a few hours. While I thought it was funny to to watch his elation be dashed on the rocks of despair, I can't help but hope exit polling will be outlawed like campaigning within the polling place.

Dan rather resigns after swearing on a stack of mothers graves that the smoking gun, MS Word document, was done in 1970. What's the frequency Kenneth?

President Ronald Reagan died. I'm not sure how great a president he was but I believed he was a good man.

George W. Bush was re-elected. My favorite part of the entire election was the fact that Michael Moore was humbled. I actually think he won the election for President Bush.

Sandy Berger was spotted by National Archives staff repeatedly stuffing top-secret documents into his undergarments in preparation for defending the Clinton administration's record on fighting terrorism before the 9/11 Commission.

Abu Graib became the most famous prison since Attica.

Saddam was captured and was glad to discover that we are not as bad as he said, or as he was.

--My election predictions were correct. Good or Bad they were right.

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