Pondering Energy Today

As prices at the pump increase, legislation passes to allow drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, my monthly budget fuel to get to work daily tops $500 a month, and talks with friends abound, I ponder energy.

I have always been interested in energy independence. One day I plan to have a cabin off the grid all together. I have also been thinking of getting a hybrid car for my commute. I have been looking at the Toyota Prius. 60 mpg in a 4 door sedan. It should save me as much money a month as the car payment would be. The thought started as a simple way to save money because my damn van only gets 16mpg.

But on a larger scale I was wondering how best to break the fossil fuel habit all together. It's worse than addiction to heroin. We can't stop wanting our massive H2 HUVs. There is too much money to be made. Our country has blown 100 billion dollars so far on the war in Iraq. What if our country spent 100 Billion dollars on energy research. What if we focused on true energy independence? Wouldn't it defuse the power held by these petty tyrants in the middle east and elsewhere? In fact we have better technology already. The hydrogen fuel cell cars are efficient and produce water and oxygen as exhaust. All the wind and solar energy that is wasted daily is ridiculous.

We need to create the demand for these things. The only way they will ever happen is for it to make someone money, big money. So the next time you consider a new car, at least look at the new hybrids first. Maybe even a Mini-Cooper...


Anonymous said...

Think globaly, act locally.

Anonymous said...

Did you know if you have a Hybrid car you can drive in the HOV lanes?

Anonymous said...

Screw the environment. I still want an H2.

Anonymous said...

The problem with fuel cell technology is that hydrogen generation uses electricity. Currently that means fossil fuels.....We need to revisit nuclear power. Fission and fusion...

Anonymous said...

Very nice ponder..but I have to say I still like my Jeep with my top off...cannot wait to take it off..